Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mobilization in Norfolk

Just a quick blog update from Norfolk, VA. I left Hawaii on June 16th and spent a long weekend in DC with Mom and Dad. We spent some time walking around Reston, playing dominos and keeping cool in the crazy DC heat. What a treat to be home for Father’s Day. I arrived here in Norfolk on Sunday evening and started my in-processing for my upcoming job yesterday. This first week in Norfolk is mostly medical screening (i.e. making sure I received the gazillion immunizations and blood work before I left Hawaii) along wtih getting new uniforms and attending several briefs.

I met up with some of our old Norfolk neighbors for dinner and hope to see them again before I leave Virginia on Saturday for Fort Jackson near Columbia, South Carolina. We were blessed to make such great friends while we were stationed in Norfolk—crazy to think we left here four years ago! You know you are around friends when, despite not seeing or really talking much over the years, you can have a great time and it feels like you never left.

I will try to do a post from North Carolina…I am not looking forward to this “Army Training” so let’s all hope it is not as bad as I have it built up in my head.



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